Engage, Educate, and Empower with QUEST: Starforce!

Four primary students sitting together on the carpet following the Starforce story on a tablet

QUEST: Starforce is a hands-on social-emotional learning (SEL) program designed to meet the specific needs of young learners. Through authentic experiences, students collaborate to solve problems, build relationships, and identify and manage their own feelings. Starforce combines physical and digital tools to immerse learners in an exciting world of exploration and purposeful play.

Foster Healthy Relationships Through Purposeful Interaction

Throughout their Starforce experience, students work in collaborative groups for hands-on application of SEL skills. Students are assigned rotating roles within their collaborative groups giving students clearly defined expectations and responsibilities, helping them to build both personal and collective efficacy. The emphasis on teamwork enables students to build authentic connections with their peers and recognize each other’s strengths. Providing learners in this age range with diverse opportunities for social interaction is essential to support their development of cognitive and communicative skills.

Ignite Creativity Through Purposeful Play and Problem-Solving

Creativity is a cornerstone of both personal and academic success, and Starforce places it front and center. The immersive storyline captivates students' imaginations as they join fictional characters on a space adventure. Creative activities like drawing, coloring, reflective writing, and avatar creation keep students engaged and curious. Hands-on problem-solving tasks, incorporating counting, reading sight words, sorting colors and shapes, and rhyming, encourage out-of-the-box thinking and imaginative solutions. By igniting creativity and curiosity, Starforce fosters a lifelong love of learning.

Activate Motor Skills with Hands-On Activities and Movement Breaks

Young learners require multiple practice opportunities to help them develop the fine motor skills needed for everyday tasks such as writing, tying shoelaces, playing sports, and more. The age-level appropriate kinesthetic activities in Starforce include sorting, counting, matching, movement, drawing, coloring and peeling and sticking stickers. Additionally, physical movement and mindfulness-based activities integrated into the SEL lessons help to bring variety to the classroom experience.

Develop Foundational Digital Literacy Skills

In today's digital world, early digital literacy is essential. Starforce equips students with foundational digital skills through activities such as dragging-and-drop, matching items, and exploring digital spaces. Unplugged challenges teach the basics of coding, including sequencing, pattern-making, and recognizing loops and repetitions. Starforce prepares students for a tech-savvy future while keeping the learning process fun and developmentally-appropriate.

The imaginative and play-based world of Starforce provides students with a safe place to take risks, make mistakes, and express themselves. Watch as your students develop essential SEL skills, build strong relationships, and ignite their creativity, all while having an out-of-this-world adventure!

Michelle Ament

Dr. Michelle Ament

Dr. Michelle Ament is a dynamic educational leader committed to equipping learners with human-centered skills for career readiness through experiential learning. With 27 years of experience, she transforms K-12 education through cutting-edge learning experiences, fostering academic achievement and social-emotional growth. Driven by a passion for equity, she empowers educators with innovative approaches to provide all students with authentic and relevant learning opportunities. Emphasizing social-emotional learning (SEL), she cultivates inclusive classrooms that foster critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork.

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