Apex Academy characters Maken and Egg

Transform Classrooms into Dynamic Communities

QUEST transforms classrooms into dynamic communities where students thrive academically and socially. By fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity, QUEST sets a positive tone for the school year. This hands-on, game-based content engages students in community building, helping them feel seen, valued, and confident. The first weeks of school are critical for creating a connected classroom, offering a unique opportunity for students and educators to build relationships founded on trust, respect, and acceptance. With QUEST, students are ready to embark on their academic journey in a supportive, engaging environment.

Cultivate Classroom Connection

QUEST students high-fiving during a challenge activity

Create Inclusive Environments

QUEST unites diverse learners by fostering belonging, respect, and self-confidence. It creates a welcoming classroom environment where students value their strengths and those of their peers, leading to improved academic performance.

QUEST students looking at the team journal together

Foster Collaborative Learning

QUEST promotes active engagement and teamwork, fostering cooperative learning and a strong sense of belonging among students.

QUEST students choosing a location on the map during the explore phase of gameplay

Include Family & Community

QUEST strengthens student support systems enhancing learning continuity. Stronger connections to school and peers increase engagement and reduce absenteeism.

QUEST Facilitator helping students work on their journals

Promote Professional Fulfillment

Building relationships and witnessing student growth fulfills teachers. The immersive world of QUEST provides a safe container where students and educators can build a growth mindset, dare to be curious, and ask for help when needed.

Implementation Ideas

Asset 5

Enrichment Time

Asset 4

Testing Season

Asset 3

Minimum Days

Asset 2

Advisory Periods

Asset 1

Afterschool Clubs


of players said they felt included by their team and enjoyed playing together.

QUEST plays a big role in our campus culture. Students love it, and it’s built a community where everyone feels part of the team.

Cory Robertson
Vice Principal
Lincoln Elementary School


Team Building Activities

Engage your class with these FREE ready-to-use, 20-min challenge activities that help build community in your classroom.


You can use MTSS, PBIS Initiatives, Title I, Title IV, General Funds, OST Grants, 21CCLC and more!


Looking for more information? View our frequently asked questions about QUEST.

Bring Experiential Learningto Your School, District, or Organization.