Fostering the Whole Child at Mt. Diablo USD

QUEST Mt Diablo facilitator works with students on an activity

The Challenge

Within Mt. Diablo Unified School District, a pivotal challenge arose: integrating academic intervention and enrichment seamlessly into the CARES (Collaborative for Academics, Recreation & Enrichment for Students) summer program spanning Kindergarten through 12th grade. The goal was not solely academic improvement but whole child development, encompassing their social-emotional well-being and problem-solving skills.

The Solution

The answer arrived in the form of QUEST, a program that not only aligned with CARES but also provided social-emotional learning and whole child development for academic success. As QUEST's immersive gameplay unfolded at Mt. Diablo Unified School District, a profound transformation occurred.

Students and facilitators reported striking improvements in student engagement, collaboration, creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving skills. QUEST's Play, Connect, Create, grounded in social-emotional learning, allowed students to explore their own capabilities and fostered empathy, resilience, and human intelligence. This holistic approach, addressing the whole child, made academic achievement not just a goal but a natural outcome.

For Mt. Diablo Unified School District, the integration of QUEST and CARES promoted the synergy between academic intervention and social-emotional development. It highlighted the importance of fostering well-rounded individuals and achieving academic excellence. As a result of this summer program, students emerged as more empathetic, adaptable, and resilient learners, fully equipped for success both inside and outside the classroom.

QUEST Mt Diablo students excited as they finish the card tower challenge game

The Results


said they had a higher level of creativity while playing QUEST


said they developed skills in cooperation and compromise while playing QUEST


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